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This is the website of the City of Granollers. You will find information about the activities calendar, telephone numbers and many other information that will make your stay in granollers easier.


App of the City Granollers
Application know everything that happens in Granollers. Get Connected and find out about the agenda and the news of the city. Also you can send suggestions or report incidents, telephones, etc

(sorry only in catalan)



Capital of the Vallès Oriental, is a medium-sized city of nearly 60,000 inhabitants, close to the sea, the Montseny Mountains and Barcelona. 


It is located in the middle of a dense network of communications that makes accessible a city and a meeting point for many people in the region. This has resulted in an outstanding economic potential, a diversified industry, commercial and gastronomic offer quality, good allocation of resources and places of accommodation and cultural programs, educational, sporting and leisure activities. 

The oldest remains were found in Granollers have an antiquity of over 4000 years. The Porch, built in 1587 as a grain market is the most emblematic building of the city and has been declared National Cultural Heritage. 

According to historian Joseph Estrada, Granollers name comes from the abundance of frogs that were in the marshes of the river Congost and derives from "Granolles", ancient way to name frogs.


In this web site you will find everything that can be done in Granollers so that you can plan your stay better.


Touristic map of Granollers


This pdf map will allow you to find the main cultural attractions of Granollers. It's in English and you can download it to see it on your phone.


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